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OSC Integration

→ Video Tutorial - CV Toolkit Tutorial – OSC Remote Control:

Most of the paremeters available in CV Toolkit can be controlled via OSC. To do so, create a template using any OSC app (such as Lemur or TouchOSC), add knobs / faders / buttons for the parameters you'd like to control, and map them to the respective paremeters according to the rules below.

Make sure that the OSC application is set to send OSC signals to your computer's IP address and to CV Toolkit's OSC Port (which can be changed in the Settings tab).

In order to check if CV Toolkit is receiving OSC messages, click on the View menu bar and open the OSC Console.

Rules for OSC Addresses

1. All OSC Addresses must follow the format: /SlotNumber/Paramater x.x

Example: /1/Frequency 0.5

2. Parameters must be named exactly as displayed in CV Toolkit.

Example: to control a Frequency knob, you must set your OSC controller to send signals to /Slot#/Frequency. /Slot#/Freq or /Slot#/Fr won't work. The same applies for abbreviations: if a parameters is labelled PW instead of Pulse Width, the address should be set to PW as well.

3. Parameters with two-word names should be written without any space or special characters between the two words.

Div/Mult → DivMult
Pulse Width → PulseWidth
CV Amount → CVAmount

4. Special characters must be replaced by their equivalent word.

S&H → SAndH
Sequence # → SequenceNumber

5. CV Toolkit expects OSC signals to have a range of 0.0 to 1.0 (float) for unipolar parameters (including buttons and toggles) and -1.0 to 1.0 (float) for bipolar parameters. CV Toolkit will automatically map these incoming signals to the proper range of the parameter being controlled (linearly).

OBS: Div/Mult parameters are considered unipolar.

6. Graphical parameters such as graphical envelopes and VCO calibrations cannot be controlled via OSC.

7. Global controls such as BPM, Transport and MIDI Clock (toggle) can be controlled using the following addresses:

BPM: /0/BPM (expects values for the exact BPM number - does not follow Ruel #5)
Transport: /0/Transport
MIDI Control: /0/MidiControl

Special Cases

• The steps in the Sequencer module can be controlled via the address /Slot#/Sequence followed by the value for each of the steps (+/- 1.0) in a single string.

Example (for an 8 step sequence): /4/Sequence 0.4 0.6 -0.4 0.0 0.5 0.9 1.0 -0.5

• The Mute buttons on the Clock Quartet module (Beats pack) can be controlled via the addresses /Slot#/Mute#

Example: /2/Mute3